About Me
Welcome to Lindsey Howell Yoga
I've been practising Yoga for a very long time. My first experience was when I was 12 years old and a class was being held in our local sports centre. This was in Aberdare in the 70's so quite an exotic happening. Even then I was struck at how holistically healing the practice could be, and have been a dedicated follower since.
My journey into teaching started in London at the Laban Centre where I studied Contemporary Dance, specialising in movement therapy. My interest in Yoga naturally ran along side my dance practice. Eventually I trained with the British Wheel of Yoga and am now a fully qualified Level 4 Yoga Teacher with 500 hours of training.
I have also had the privilege of working with the amazing Julie Friedeberger; specialist in yoga for people living with cancer. I now teach yoga for people living with Cancer, in Pembrokeshire and online. You can find more details on this practice and the benefits it can have, here.
Locally and online I teach Hatha, Vinyasa, Yin and Therapeutic Chair Yoga.
My experience in Yin yoga has been guided by the talented and knowledgeable Yin Guru (and disco dancer) Norman Blair.
I am also part of the breathing school network, with the guidance of Ben Wolff, and Tom Granger of Aria Breath, and teach harmonic breath workshops.
I am also a member of 'The Pelvic Health Professionals' using Yoga for pelvic health.
I am currently teaching classes, workshops and one to one sessions in Pembrokeshire and online.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"
- Lao Tzu